Impact 2024
Some of the themes so far are men's mental health domestic violence, anxiety/negative self sabotaging behaviour, expectation, body image/disordered eating, connection, grief and loss, peer pressure, consent and more... Themes are being created with teens from the club and the community to showcase what they are finding challenging. Some themes can be triggering, we will have a community support resource in the room and offer support to those who may have feelings arise for any reason at our IMPACT event. We feel these are important conversations but understand not everyone is in the space to have them.Saturday the 20th of January - Ages 8-13
This event will be focusing on the challenges our young people are facing with expectation, self worth, body image and more
Funds raised from our 14+ will be donated to Headspace Port Augusta and funds raised from our 8-13 event will go towards creating a sculpture that showcases our message of connection and selflove
Venue TBA via email Port Augusta
Port Augusta South Australia 5700