Commemoration of the Battle of Lone Pine

We warmly invite our members, friends and guests to join us for the Commemoration of the Battle of Lone Pine at the Art Gallery of NSW. Dr Brendan Nelson AO, former leader of the opposition and Director of the Australian War Memorial will be joining us as Keynote Speaker for the evening. Dr Nelson is currently senior Vice President of The Boeing Company and President of Boeing Global.Gerrard Henderson, long time Director of the Sydney Institute, author and senior Australian journalist will introduce Dr Nelson and the significance of the Battle of Lone Pine
We shall also be sharing the evening via video link with The Southport School on the Gold Coast. They will come together with the Club hosting their own function to acknowledge the history of Lone Pine and remember their own fallen old boys.
Canapés and drinks included during the function between 6-10
Art Gallery of NSW - Kaldor Hall
Art Gallery Road, The Domain, Sydney NSW 2000