Annual Membership
UniMovies is a UOW club which has been in existence for 54 years. Membership is available to anyone. A GOLD member has free admission to all screenings for $100. Alternatively, current UOW students can become a SILVER member, which provides free admission to 10 screenings, for $30. ALL members also have voting rights at any general meetings. At such meetings, members participate in discussions about screening policy, prices and other items of interest. A member may nominate for the Management Committee, the election for which takes place at the Annual General Meeting in April. Memberships are not transferable. Please note that a SILVER member can convert to a GOLD membership by paying the difference between the two forms of membership ($70).
2025 Membership covers the period from the first day of Autumn Session 2025 (near beginning of March) to the day before the corresponding day in 2026. Your membership will become active following the payment of the fee (or at the beginning of the period above).