Hunt & Shoot Event
Event co-ordinator : Sam Fernando
It's time for our 2023 Hunt & Shoot Competition! This competition is aimed at improving your image capturing skills. Members are required to take photos under a set number of subjects within the specified time frame and hand over captured images at the end of the time.
Competitors are required to take only two photos under each subject. Taking many photos and deleting unwanted photos is strictly prohibited and would lead to disqualification.
An independent judge will do the judging. The judge will not be provided with the names of photographers. Winners will be selected for each subject category and the overall winner will be selected from these winners. The overall winner will be awarded the Hunt & Shoot Trophy. The winning photographs will be shown and awarded at the club end of year function.
The purpose of this competition is to emphasise the importance of taking technically good photos first time in camera and to encourage members to focus on skills to enable taking quality photos.
What to bring
- Your Camera and Lens/es, Clean Memory Card, Pen/pencil to write with.
- Your camera cable or a Card Reader.
- Tripods are allowed to be used during the event. You can use multiple lenses, but only one camera body needs to be used.
- Sunscreen, hat, water and snacks.
- This event will go ahead rain, hail or shine. Wear / bring clothing and footwear to suit the weather conditions.
- Commencing the photo shoot
- Arrive promptly by 8.15am.
- Collect entry form from Sam from 8.00 am to 8.15. Sam, Event Coordinator will brief you about the rules of the competition.
- The entry form contains 10 topics for taking photographs.
- You need to take 2 jpg photos for each topic – total number of photos should not exceed 20.Remember deletion of any any images in-camera will result in disqualification.
- Whenever you take a photo, write down the number of the photo as appearing on the memory card under the relevant topic.
- Be creative. Go where ever you like within the park and keep it legal and safe. Maintain proper protocols and common sense, especially when taking photos near people.
After Taking the Photos
- Hand in your Memory Card and completed entry form for uploading between 12 noon and 12.30 pm. No later than 12.45 pm sharp.
Sunday 29th October
8.15am to 12.30pm
Minnipi Parklands Reserve, Tingalpa.
Use the entrance to the park via Stanton Road W.
Come to the end of the road (Porter's Paddock Park).
You will see two small ponds. There is a shed near the first pond, this is our meeting point (see the attached map).