Masterclass | Mastering Screenwriting: From Losing the Plot
Plotting is arguably one of the most challenging aspects of developing a story, whether for a screenplay, novel, or another form. Why? First, because a lot has to happen – every scene or paragraph needs to advance the story in at least one way, and this requires hundreds of story beats. Second, because the plot has to hang together well, not just logically but also thematically. In this workshop, a simulated writers' room approach will help writers generate oodles of plot that they can then craft, hone, and synthesize. It will use creative screenwriting approaches to push participants to go places they would not have thought to go, ensuring that all story avenues are exhausted. It will then guide participants to find the most exciting and thematically appropriate story beats and synthesize them coherently. This is not a workshop for the faint-hearted – it requires stamina and courage!
Savor the session with complimentary coffee and snacks.
Savor the session with complimentary coffee and snacks.
+62 361 977 408