Karin Gurtner Summer School Recording
Structural Integration Through Resource-Oriented Movement
Presentation Description:
Enhanced postural ease and movement freedom, accessible somatic wisdom, as well as inside-out vitality are essential to the vision of Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI) and Slings Myofascial Training. While skillful touch can enable a mover to inhabit their body differently, movement can assist the embodiment and sustainability of a hands-on treatment while fostering a feeling of self-reliance. In this webinar, a coherent selection of Slings exercises is offered for session 1 (Superficial Front Line) and session 2 (Superficial Back Line) of the ATSI 12-session protocol. Considered are primary bodywork goals as well as movement functions and sensory qualities that are unique to the myofascial meridians in focus. Matching the specificity of ATSI, muscle-focused and fascia-focused movements are differentiated to aid structural balance and integration. For each exercise, adaptations are shown to make the repertoire attainable for a wide range of people.
NOTE: A link to the recording will be provided via email upon purchase and give you 2 months access (ONLY from date of purchase).
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