BCA SA/NT Bible n' Bush 2023 – City evening

Bible n' Bush SA 2023 aims to inform, encourage and challenge as we open God’s Word together and learn about some of the great things God is doing with a special focus on first nations peoples. Hear from and meet national indigenous ministry workers, Neville and Kathy Naden, along with Ruth and Lee Walton who are working at Nungalinya College in the Northern Territory. Starting with dinner, there will also be time to meet afterwards over a delicious “Cuppa and Supper” !TIME: 5.30 pm-6:45 pm dinner
6.45 pm-8.45 pm - Interviews with and stories from BCA Field Staff
8.45 pm-9.30 pm - Cuppa n' Supper
Trinity Church Adelaide
88 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000