Experience what Concordia has to offer on a tour of our College.
The best way to get a feel for Concordia is to see it for yourself.
If you are considering applying, we warmly encourage you to visit the College on one of our regular College Tours to meet key staff and students and to see the school in action.
Please book a ticket for all adults and children who are attending.
Meet at 9am at Concordia College Chapel, 45 Cheltenham Street, Highgate for a 9.15am start.
Contact: Nicole Jones | Enrolments | enrolments@concordia.sa.edu.au | 8272 0444
Disclaimer: Photographs taken at this event may be used in College publications, communications and promotions. Should you have any concerns about being photographed, please notify an attending staff member. The Concordia College Privacy Policy is available to view on our website www.concordia.sa.edu.au/privacy