PNE Melbourne - 09 March 2023 - Participants
Welcome to 2023 where your meaningful employment opportunity could be right at your fingertips. In partnership with pledge companies invested in supporting veterans and their families, Soldier On is pleased to host our first Pathways Networking Event for 2023 at Melbourne Legacy Building. Located on level 2 you’ll have an opportunity to network in a relaxed environment with pledge companies interested in speaking and hearing from you. You’ll have opportunity to speak about your skills and experiences gained from various employment backgrounds Defence, Civilian or Voluntary wherever your pathway has taken you. Pledge companies will be able to provide advice, guidance and employment opportunities, a meaningful step you’ve been seeking. The pathways networking event is open for all participants of Soldier On, current serving members considering transition from the ADF, veterans who’ve transitioned and family members who’ve supported their partner during their service.Location
Legacy Building
Level 2, 293 Swanston Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000