ANI Vernon Parker Oration and Annual Dinner 2023

The ANI will hold the Vernon Parker Oration & Annual Dinner at Hotel Realm in Canberra.
The centrepiece of the evening will be the delivery of the 2023 Vernon Parker Oration by The Hon Dame Annette King, New Zealand High Commissioner to Australia on the theme: "New Zealand and Australia - closest friends, myth or reality?"
The evening will also include the awarding of the 2023 McNeil Prize to an individual or team from industry who has made an outstanding contribution to the operational capabilities of the RAN.
The centrepiece of the evening will be the delivery of the 2023 Vernon Parker Oration by The Hon Dame Annette King, New Zealand High Commissioner to Australia on the theme: "New Zealand and Australia - closest friends, myth or reality?"
The evening will also include the awarding of the 2023 McNeil Prize to an individual or team from industry who has made an outstanding contribution to the operational capabilities of the RAN.
Hotel Realm
18 National Circuit, BARTON ACT 2600
Contact Details