Accent Method Breathing with Dr Ron Morris

A two day workshop on the Accent Method with Dr Ron Morris co-author of If in Doubt, Breathe Out!: Breathing and Support for Singing based on the Accent Method.Dr Morris has combined a career of over 30 years in Speech Therapy and Audiology with work as a professional singer. He is a recognized expert in the Accent Method and a lecturer in Vocal Pedagogy and Vocal Health at the Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University, Brisbane and at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London.
Workshop 9.30am to 3.30pm Saturday and Sunday, with a short lunch break.
Registration from 9am Saturday.
BYO yoga mat or towel for floor work.
BYO lunch.
Morning and afternoon tea will be provided.
LDK Greenway Views
LDK Greenway Views 260 Soward Way, Greenway ACT 2900