National Volunteer Week ยท Appreciation & Awards Ceremony

If you're a volunteer working in the environmental sector in the Mandurah area, or you do your bit for our local environment in other ways, you are warmly invited to this prestigious event to recognise and celebrate Mandurah's amazing environmental volunteers.Food, tea & coffee provided. Cash bar.
Local environmental groups are invited to display brochures & banners, and provide up to 3 slides for the PPT presentation as follows:
1. A couple of sentences about your group with logo & image(s).
2. Message you wish to convey. Can be achievements, goals, news, vacancies, forthcoming event, etc.
3. Wording for a Certificate of Recognition for one nominated volunteer from your group (optional). Name of nominee and reason for nominating.
Organised by MEHG, Coastal Waste Warriors, Bouvard Coastcare Group, Peel Multicultural Association & Seascapes Community Association.
This event is made possible by Volunteering WA and funded by Lotterywest and City of Mandurah.
Mandurah Country Club
16 Marsh Place, Halls Head WA 6210