Open Gardens Victoria - Clontarf 2023

This garden, which surrounds an original 1862 house, was laid out to complement the house and the owners have carefully chosen plants to enhance this aspect.
Clontarf has wonderful old trees including gums and exotics like the beautiful cedar trees. A newer Bunya Bunya pine is a lovely feature.
A striking aspect is how the garden seamlessly flows from one area to another passing water features, fountains and old paving.
Email any enquiries before 4pm Friday 10th of November.
Clontarf has wonderful old trees including gums and exotics like the beautiful cedar trees. A newer Bunya Bunya pine is a lovely feature.
A striking aspect is how the garden seamlessly flows from one area to another passing water features, fountains and old paving.
Email any enquiries before 4pm Friday 10th of November.
Open Gardens Victoria - Clontarf
1 Burnett Road, Castlemaine Vic 3450
Contact Details