Heat stress – the silent killer

Over thousands of years mammalian physiology has evolved to improve tolerance across a range of environmental conditions. However, the rapid rise in global temperatures places new challenges on all species, including humans.
Conditions which increase heat generation or reduce heat dissipation place individuals at greater risk of injury, illness or death. Yet, heat stress and dehydration are complex physiological processes, resulting in their occurrence being underreported or overlooked.
In this lecture, Chris Abbiss, Professor of Exercise Physiology and Dean of Graduate Research, will explore the regulation of body temperature with particular focus on the risks of hyperthermia. Professor Abbiss will outline strategies to prevent hyperthermia, minimise health risk and improve performance.
Event is open to the public. Registrations are essential. This lecture is for anyone interested in the risks of heat stress – from athletes, to outdoor or factory workers, even those in the mining, events, or construction industries - especially those who work in the extreme heat conditions of WA.
Wednesday, 9 August 2023
3.45pm (for 4.00pm start).
The venue is fitted with a T-Switch hearing loop system and is wheelchair accessible. If you have any accessibility needs to participate in the event, please contact ECU's Corporate Events team by email (corporate.events@ecu.edu.au) or phone: (08) 6304 2011.
Edith Cowan University, Joondalup Campus, Building 32 Lecture Theatre
270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup WA 6027
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