ACA NSW - Business of Small Practice | The Engine of Growth
Join the ACA NSW/ACT committee, Warwick Mihaly from Mihaly Slocombe and a fantastic panel of speakers for our first Business of Small Practice event on Thursday 15 June.
Australian architecture students are taught at university to dream about one day starting their own practice. This collective dream of independence appeals to a large number of us, with many finding ways to turn it into reality. We start practices, become our own bosses, and if we’re both clever and lucky maybe even grow our small practices into bigger ones. But…
- Why and how do we grow?
- What types of projects will support our growth?
- How do we attract new clients?
- When should we employ new staff and who are the right people to employ?
Warwick Mihaly will reflect on lessons learned from a decade of running and growing Mihaly Slocombe with his wife, Erica. He’s going to pull apart their engine of growth, lay the bits out on the table, and hopefully put it all back together again.
Joining Warwick are three panel members – Sandra Furtado from Furtado Sullivan, Lee Hillam from Dunn & Hillam Architects and Steve Kennedy from Kennedy & Associates Architects. Each will share their growth stories, experiences and perspectives.
Members/Non-Members $40/$55 (incl GST)
Drinks and cocktail food included
For more information, contact Marie Frost,