Arduino Breadboarding and C++ coding workshop for high school students - years 7-12
ECU's School of Science: Computing and Security invite high school students to join us for a day of coding Arduino and attaching lights, motors, and buzzers. We have a series of Duinotech Learning Kits that provide the user with endless opportunities to use software and hardware to prototype, develop, design, and create.
The day will start with learning the basics of C++, the Arduino, and Electronics, followed by looking at the various projects and working through them. Students may bring their own laptops but we prefer to use our computers which have the appropriate software already on them.
What the day looks like
What the day looks like
8:45 - Registrations, logging onto computers
9:00 - Workshop 1 - Arduino's, the platform, electronics, breadboarding. fuses and the foundations of C++ language
10:00 - break
10:30 - Workshop 2 - 'Lights Action' - Using Arduino Nano's and light boards - configure various patterns of light
11:30 -Workshop 3 - 'Movement' - Using the servo and motor to create movement combine it with lights to indicate a signal
12:30 - lunch
1:00 - Workshop 4 - Action- Using the lights, and servos add in add in the distance sensor to determine an action.
2:00 - Workshop 5 - Projects - using any of the peripherals make your own 'thing' -
3:00 – Home time - Video it in action with your phone to show the world!
Session times: - 9:00 to 3:00pm
Location: ECU Joondalup campus - School of Science Building 18. We will be working out of the computer labs located on Level 1. Registrations will also be on the first floor
Cost: $16.50
Morning tea and lunch - Bring your own morning tea and lunch
Parking and drop off: Please park at the visitor car park 14, where you can park and come in to drop off your child/children. The entrance is Deakin off Lakeside Drive. See Google Maps for directions.
On the day: We will be taking photos during the day so please ensure you tick or cross the photo permission box on the registration form. Parents and/or guardians are invited to come and view what we have created from 2:45pm onwards.
ECU is proud to be a member of the SAGE Pilot of the Athena SWAN charter in Australia. This initiative promotes gender equality and encourages opportunities for girls in STEM.
For further information contact