Rockdale Musical Society present HEATHERS THE MUSICAL
"Heathers: The Musical" is a darkly comedic and edgy stage adaptation of the cult classic 1988 film. Set in the halls of Westerberg High School, it follows Veronica Sawyer, a clever and underestimated misfit, as she navigates the treacherous world of high school cliques. Veronica falls under the spell of the powerful and ruthless trio known as the Heathers, comprised of Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara. Desperate to fit in, Veronica becomes entangled in a series of deceitful schemes, including a string of murders disguised as suicides. With the arrival of the mysterious and rebellious J.D., a dangerous romance ignites, leading to a shocking chain of events that challenges Veronica's loyalty and forces her to confront the dark side of popularity, teenage angst, and the consequences of her choices. This thrilling musical explores themes of teenage rebellion, identity, and the struggle to find one's voice amidst the pressures of conformity and social hierarchy.Location
Rockdale Town Hall
448 Princes Hwy, Rockdale NSW 2216