Streamed Shakespeare Presents: OTHELLO

"O beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on..."
Love. Jealousy. Manipulation. Revenge.
This production, directed by Haki Pepo Olu Crisden, reimagines Shakespeare's classic tragedy in the modern world of Australian pro basketball.
Streamed Shakespeare's very first live, onstage, in-person show!
Coming to Leichhardt in November 2023 by the company that brought you Henry IV, Richard III, The Merchant of Venice, and many more fabulous shows since 2020.
Check out our webpage here for full cast & crew info, links, photos and our trailers!
Read our rave review from Sydney Theatre Reviews!
'Morell gets into the guts of Othello’s character, into his heart and soul, revealing a man tortured by doubt, jealously and the need to “restore honour”....Landrey navigates Desdemona’s torment and trial-by-twisted-facts with such raw vulnerability that I was crying right along when she was begging Othello to see reason...With innovation and authentic truth telling at its core, Othello is a confronting and challenging play that finds a connection with the audience through fantastic acting and collaborative direction.'
Read glowing reviews of our past work here, here, here and here.
'Director Haki Pepo Olu Crisden reimagines the brutal Gothic atmosphere of the play as a bit camp...[this] added a level of unexpected silliness to the torture these characters inflicted on others.' Review of Titus Andronicus (2020), Nightwrites
'Streamed Shakespeare... directed by Haki Pepo Olu Crisden, has brought us a terrific production of both parts of Henry IV...the many-layered production is finely meshed' Review of Henry IV Parts One and Two (2021), Sydney Arts Guide
Or for more fun stuff and to explore past shows, take a look at our socials:
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OTHELLO and information
Leichhardt Uniting Church
3 Wetherill Street, Leichhardt NSW 2040
Please note: these tickets are for non-reserved seating. Please arrive at least 15 mins early to secure your preferred seat.