Habitat open gardens - Glenwood Estate

This event is now FULLY BOOKED. If you wish to be wait-listed please add your name.Visit two small-medium suburban gardens featuring habitat plantings, bird baths, frog pond and low-maintenance nature-strip plantings that attract birds, butterflies, stingless native bees, frogs and skinks.
We’ll have a display with giveaway plants, free Albury-Wodonga garden guides, natures treasure box and lots more.
Tickets are free, but bookings essential by 9am Friday 6 October 2023. Ticket-holders will be advised of garden addresses via email on Friday 6 October.
Note: Our original flyer indicated this event is restricted to residents of Avalon Park and Glenwood Estate - this is no longer the case - all are welcome.
This event is hosted by Gardens 4 Wildlife Albury-Wodonga, a Wodonga Urban Landcare Network program, with generous support from Wodonga Council, Nordcon Land and Friends of the WREN Baranduda.
Ticket-holders to be advised of addresses via email on Friday 6 October
Baranduda Victoria 3690