AGM- Atherton Tablelands Chamber of Commerce

About the Atherton Tablelands Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Social Gathering.Please support Atherton Tablelands Chamber of Commerce by attending the upcoming Annual General Meeting. We will hear from the current President Louise Livingstone and Treasurer Tony Freeman, who will report on the successes and endeavours of the past unique year. This will be followed by a vote to secure your new Committee who will work to support and promote businesses in the region.
Consider joining the Committee by standing for nomination. Contact Leah, Secretary at for the nomination form. Nominations need to be made to the Secretary by Wednesday 6th September. Nominees must be financial members.
After the AGM formal proceedings, you are welcome to stay for delicious grazing foods and the option to introduce yourself and your business to other members. Cost $15.
Disabilities Matters
5 Macconaghie St, Atherton Qld 4883