Look. Listen. Live | VCE & IB Arts Exhibition Opening | 2023

Please join us for an evening of incredible art, music, and media as we celebrate the student work developed in 2023.
'Look Listen Live' VCE Art & Design Exhibition | Opening Night Gala
Wednesday, October 11th | 5:00pm - 6:30pm
This is a free event, but guests are asked to RSVP to assist us with catering.
The exhibition will be held in the Mac.Rob Hall, Level 2, Kingsway Building.
Please enter via the main school entrance (Front Office doors) facing Albert Road.
Note: There is no parking available on site. Limited off-street parking is available in the surrounding area. The closest public transport stop is Tram Stop 22 (St. Kilda Road and Toorak Road).
COVID Safety Information: Our community is made up of a diverse range of people, including those with underlying health conditions. All members of Mac.Rob's community are entitled to enjoy our school events without fear for their personal health and safety. While current health settings may permit a range of activities, please consider the wellbeing of others when attending this event:
- This is an indoor event. Capacity for this event is limited; bookings are essential, and entry will not be granted without a booking.
- HEPA air purifiers will be in operation during this event, and where possible, windows will be open.
- We recommend attendees wear a well-fitted face mask (i.e. an N95 mask) while indoors.
- Stay home if you are unwell, have been in contact with a COVID-positive person, or have a COVID-positive family member isolating in your home.
By showing care and consideration for one another, you can help keep our community of students, staff, and families safe and healthy.
Lakeside Building, the Mac.Robertson Girls' High School
350 – 370 Kings Way,
Melbourne Victoria, 3004
Contact Details