HSOV Herbal Workshops

The Herb Society of Victoria invites you to a very Herbal afternoon.Saturday 28th October 2023, 12.30pm to 4.30pm
Workshop 1 Herbal Tea Blending with Jan Illingworth
Jan is a Naturopath and grows her organic homegrown plants for making teas for health. Learn about the history or tea, and tips on how to harvest herbs and makeherbal tea mixes.
Workshop 2 Making Topical Herbal Preparations with Jill Cheah
Jill Cheah is a Herbalist and Naturopath, who grows and harvest herbs to prepare tinctures, pastes, creams, teas and tonics. In this workshop, Jill will guide you through making herbal creams and lotions for home use.
Price $10-$20 Includes:
• Both Workshops and take home goodies.
• Afternoon tea
• Plus: herb plants & 2nd hand herb books for sale and HSOV Raffle
Make a day, come early for:
• Friends of Burnley Gardens Plant Sale from 10.30am with popup CWA cake stand
• BYO picnic brunch or Wander the beautiful gardens
Burnley campus of Melbourne University
Main Building, Rooms MB10 & MB1111, 500 Yarra Blvd , Richmond Victoria 3121