Suite Mágica - Guitar and Harp - CD Launch Tour

THURSDAY 1 February 7PM - Andrew Blanch and Emily Granger - Suite Mágica - Guitar and Harp - CD Launch TourAndrew Blanch and Emily Granger pair the extraordinary combination of guitar and harp with a selection of works that display the energy, versatility and beauty of these much-loved instruments. These truly unique musicians, both leaders in their fields, have been touring Australia succesfully over the last couple of years, and will be visiting Yarragon Studio in their CD Launch Tour of Suite Mágica. Join Andrew and Emily as they share some of the finest music from their explorations, including exciting new commissions by Australia’s leading composers, arrangements of popular favourites, and more. Please note: it's a Thursday evening concert. And please be smart, and book early!
Tickets: Standard-$35, Concession-$30, Under 18-Free
Yarragon Studio
515 Yarragon South Road, YARRAGON SOUTH VIC 3823