HSOV State Rose Garden guided tour
Be guided through the enormous range of over 5,000 roses plants, at their beautiful late Spring peak on this tour, organised for the Herb Society of Victoria.Cost $5 to $10
Meet at 10.45am (Starts 11am) at the Entrance Archway, next to the carpark (Gate A)
Cost: A small charge for the guide, entry to the gardens is free.
$5 for HSOV members
$10 for non-members
Plus: BYO lunch for afterwards for those who want to further enjoy the gardens.
BYO drinks and refreshments. There are no places to purchase food or drinks at the Rose Garden.
The Victoria State Rose Garden covers 5 hectares with some best collections of roses in the southern hemisphere and has received the “Garden of Excellence” award from the World Federation of Rose Societies.
Getting There:
• Driving: The Car Park near the Rose Garden Entrance Arch is best accessed from K Road
• Public Transport: Please check the PTV website.
Victoria State Rose Garden at Werribee Park
Gate 2, K Rd, Werribee South vic