Kundalini Yoga 6 week course casual classes

Kundalini Yoga & Meditationwith Jai Ram Kaur
Thursdays 6.30pm to 8pm
6 week course from 12th October to 16th November
“Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity and it's the art to experience Infinity in the finite. It is straight. It is simple. It creates no complications.” YB
Join me for this 6 week journey with Kundalini Yoga, open to all levels of experience.
Basics of the technology and teachings will be covered.
Each class follows the same format and rhythm, yet addresses a different theme and a different kriya (exercise set) and meditation is practiced.
Open to all levels.
Purusha House, 18 Holdsworth St Fremantle
$150 for the full 6 weeks. Casual $28 per class (space permitting).
Read more about the course here >> https://www.jairam.com.au/events/2023/5/25/kundalini-yoga-6-week-course-sy58w-7ccjt
Purusha House
18 Holdsworth St , Fremantle WA 6156