Flinders Preschool Community Consultation

On behalf of the Flinders Pre School Committee, we invite you to participate in a conversation about the future of the kindergarten for 2024 and beyond at 7pm Tuesday 17th of October, to be held at the kindergarten.Please register your interest in attending this session, it is free to attend.
Two options are being considered by the committee to ensure Flinders can maintain a healthy and vibrant kindergarten:
1. Adapt the responsibilities of committee members and review the staffing model to provide quality leadership and governance enhancements.
2. Move to an alternative management model for the kindergarten, using the Early Years Management (EYM) framework.
a. EYM’s are not-for-profit organisations who take over and assume all service and operational responsibilities of delivering a kindergarten.
We are seeking community input to assist in the decision making process.
Flinders Preschool
62 Bass Street, Flinders VIC 3929