Expressions of Interest National Gathering 2025

The Toyota Landcruiser Club Victoria (TLCCV) is hosting the triennial National Gathering (NG) in 2025. For planning purposes, we are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from Members who might consider attending. The Gathering will be held from 30 March – 5 April 2025 in Mansfield Victoria.At this early planning stage, we can provide an indicative cost for the Gathering:
Registration Fee: $150 per person which includes the Gathering Dinner, Trips and selected Activities.
Accommodation: Powered camping site $50/day x 6 days = $300
Unpowered camping site $40/day x 6 days = $240
NOTE that an EOI does not commit you to attending and registration will be at a later date. The NG Team will advise when Registrations are open and only then would you be required to pay.
Please reply to your State or Territory President or Secretary by 15 November 2023 if you are considering attending!
Mansfield Showgrounds