Obstacle clinic 28 October 2023
Would you like your horse to be braver, have more confidence, look to you for the right answer when he's feeling anxious about a new situation or object? At Milfield Horse Park I can help you to get over the roadblocks you are experiencing, provide you with the tools to build a better relationship and be the partners you want to be.Mountain trail builds brave horses, one obstacle at a time. Join us for 3 hours on the course, both inhand and ridden, no matter what level, no matter what discipline. We will also provide you with a FREE gourmet sausage sizzle, drinks and there will be a professional photographer on site. Fencesitters/supporters/partners are welcome for an additional cost. Click "Book now" for tickets and pricing.
Milfield Horse Park
352 Glen Martin, Road, Glen Martin NSW 2321