Hello High School in 2024 event for Year 7 students

Claire Eaton, former educator and deputy principal, and since 2007, a speaker, author and Perth youth coach, will explore:1. Teen brain changes, development shifts & biological drivers
2. Mindset tools to develop resilience to cope with curveballs
3. Emotional regulation techniques to reduce stress, worry and anxiety
4. Mood boosting tips to enhance self esteem and day-to-day joy
5. Practical thinking strategies to handle change and challenges
6. Productivity, motivation and time management tools to reduce overwhelm
7. Teen friendship, drama and finding their social fit ideas
"This session was good. I now have lots of things to practice that will help me a lot." Alicia, student
"I went to this session last year. I got heaps out of it and I still use all the ideas now in year 8." Tom, student
"I loved this! I had no idea what to expect. The ideas and tips were so helpful in high school." Jess student
Ticket - $49
BUILDING 21 - Scotch College
76 Shenton Road, Swanbourne WA 6010