2024 Investigations Workshop
A collaboration between the Industrial Relations Society of WA and The Piddington Society, the Investigations Workshop takes you through the key issues of workplace investigations from before they start through to making findings.
A full-day event across seven core areas, you will hear from legal, investigatory and HR experts to develop your foundational skills and understanding in this growing area of practice.
In order, the seven core areas considered will be: identification of problems worth investigating, preparation of starting an investigation, drafting allegations, interviewing skills, gathering and assessing evidence, drafting final reports and ethical issues.
The Workshop is for lawyers, industrials relations practitioners, HR professionals and others involved in workplace investigations.
Sessions will be chaired by Tae Kim (Herbert Smith Freehills), Eunice Ong (Australian Workers Union) and Amberley Speaks (Mills Oakley).
Identifying the need for and type of investigation
Speakers: Philippa Lonie (Green Shoots) and Carla Vinciullo (Kennedy Vinciullo)
Investigation design and preparation
Speakers: Sue Pethick (Australian Workers Union) with others to be announced
Gathering and assessing evidence
Speakers: The Hon Michael Corboy SC (former Judge, Supreme Court of Western Australia)
Ethical dilemmas
Speakers: Senior Commissioner Rachel Cosentino (WA Industrial Relations Commission) and Heather Millar (Francis Burt Chambers)
Interview skills and technicalities
Speakers: Joanna Boston (Consult Boston) and others to be announced
Reporting and presenting outcomes
Speakers: Jeremy Birch (Fourth Floor Chambers)
Closing out - Post-investigation procedure
Speakers: Rene Anderson (Azuhr) and Larna Scheider (Woodside)
Attendees will be eligible for up to six CPD points.
Practitioner ID numbers are issued by the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia. Information from the Board is available here. We require these to issue CPD certificates. If you do not provide us with one then we may contact you following the event.
Proceeds from this event will go toward supporting funding Piddington's access to justice projects. These are: the Piddington PLT Fund, which supports the community legal centres (CLCs) that host Piddington PLT graduates to complete their hours required for admission; the Piddington Justice Fund for CLCs, to cover costs that they otherwise cannot meet; and, Kaartdijin, our First Nations Legal Education Fund. Thanks to your attendance, engagement and support, we are able to make annual contributions of more than $50,000 to the community through these projects.
Level 8, Exchange Tower
2 The Esplanade, (Entrance off Sherwood Court), Perth WA 6000
Contact Details