'The Ladykillers'
a black comedy by Graham Lineham
directed by Mike Taylor
by arrangement with Samuel French Ltd
Book here for Public nights February 23, 24, 29 and March 1 and 2
“The Ladykillers” is a classic black comedy that is sure to leave you in stitches.
The story follows Mrs Wilberforce, a sweet little old lady who rents out a room in her lopsided house to Marcus, a professor of music.
Unbeknownst to her, Marcus is actually a maniacal criminal who is putting together a gang of misfits to commit the heist of their careers.
So, with the gang posing as musicians and 'rehearsing' at Mrs Wilberforce's house... is she in danger?
Make sure you don't miss this wonderfully funny show.
Please arrive by 7.10 pm to be seated by 7.25 pm
Ticket price includes 1 complementary drink, served before 7.20pm.
For other (group fundraiser) nights Feb 20, 21, 22, 27, 28
click here for contact details.
Ticket pricing for group fundraiser nights may vary.
Patrons must adhere to the current Qld Government COVID guidelines.
Due to the age of the venue we are sorry to advise we do not have disabled toilet facilities.
Access into the auditorium is via two steps.
Access is only possible for non-motorised wheelchairs which can be pulled up the stairs.