IWC Healing & Transformation Workshop

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Heal, transform, open, release, let go and connect…
The Deep Expansive Healing & Transformation Retreat: Healing Your Hurts, Living Your Essence, Flowing Your Bliss
This is your invitation to spend four days in the safety of a supportive healing community, connecting with yourself, others and nature, the group’s wisdom and the synchronicity of Spirit. Heal and resolve issues that have held you back, keeping you isolated or making you miserable.
You don’t need any prior experience of somatic, energetic or process-based work and this work does not involve use of substances or plant medicines.
First Reefton Retreat Introductory Offer !!
Reefton, VIC (Details will be sent on booking)
Price Sliding scale: $650 to $370.
Price Sliding scale: $650 to $370.
Dates: Thursday 1pm 25th April 2024 to 4pm Sunday 28th April 2024
Contact Details:
Phoenix Arrien: Tel. 0407 650 026