LCA WA District 2024 AGM and Mission & Ministry Conference

LCA WA 2024 Mission & Ministry Conference
Theme: Equipping the Saints
11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ..’ (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Friday to Sunday March 1st-3rd, 2024
Rockingham-Mandurah Lutheran Church, 52 Swallowtail Parade, Warnbro WA 6169
Every year we gather as a District, alternating between a business-orientated Convention of Synod and a church life orientated Mission & Ministry Conference (M&M).
This year we are grateful to hold our Mission & Ministry Conference at Rockingham-Mandurah Lutheran Church in Perth's south. The weekend will include our AGM on Friday evening, conference sessions held across Saturday and Sunday, a Saturday evening worship service followed by social dinner with light entertainment, and Sunday morning worship before Sunday sessions and wind-up of conference. Full conference programme will be emailed to registered attendees closer to the date. Lunches and morning/afternoon tea and Saturday Conference dinner are included with conference registration of $50 (generously subsidised by the LLL!).
For Saturday Dinner, registrations are needed in by Sun Feb 25th to confirm with the venue.
The LCA WA District Inc. is required to hold a general meeting annually (the AGM). The WA LCA Congregations are members of the District, and congregation delegates (or appointed alternatives) along with District representatives are required to attend the AGM and establish the quorum necessary to conduct our business. An AGM agenda will be sent to elected delegates 3 weeks before the AGM (separately from this conference registration).
You will register for 'tickets' to three seperate parts of the weekend.
- Friday evening - AGM and Welcome Event (Free)
- Conference Saturday and Sunday ($25) - this includes all sessions, Sat&Sun morning tea/ lunch/ afternoon tea
- Saturday Evening Conference Dinner (generously subsidised at $25 by the LLL!) - for the dinner on Saturday at Hotel Clipper, 20-30 Patterson Rd, Rockingham
TryBooking only allows card payment. This is an easy method for most of us. If you need to pay via an invoice with bank details please follow the normal checkout process and on the payment page enter the code 'invoice' in the box marked 'GIFT CERTIFICATE / PROMOTION CODE'. This will reduce the payment balance to $0 and you will be able to complete your registration online. The LCA WA District will then send an invoice to your registered email for payment.
Please note that due to the way in which the Trybooking system works all events are listed as starting at 6pm on Friday evening. Please ignore this detail as you register. Individual times for the different parts of the conference will be in the event program.
Note that you won't need to print/bring/show tickets - we will have a list of attendees prepared
In the case of event cancellation by the LCAWA attendees will receive a full refund.
We are very grateful to the LLL for their generous financial support in making our M&M a subsidised low-cost event to members of the WA District.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
For any issues with the online registration, please contact Chris Antonini - 0425 601 562