Biodanza weekly series - Rediscovering the essential

Hello and welcome to Biodanza - the dance of lifeThis is a series of 6 weekly Biodanza sessions for beginners to explore different ways to embody a minimalist approach to living and rediscovering what is essential to you.
Everyone is welcome- you don't need to be a dancer just willing to try somethig new!
Every week we will explore a concept of minimalism and how we can apply those concepts in our everyday living. Through body movement I will facilitate a session to feel and integrate what is essential to you.
Schedule of sessions (every Thursday at 5:45 pm) at the Revolution Yoga Studio at Buderim:
S1 Feb 15 - Spark Joy
S2 Feb 22 - One step at a time
S3 Feb 29 - Wherever I go here I am
S4 Mar 7 - The joy of simplicity
S5 Mar 14 - The art of letting go
S6 Mar 21 - Powerful choices
$125 for 6 sessions
or $25 for one session
You can join for the full term or join as a casual and come to as many classes you can.
Revolution Yoga Studio
2/83 Mill Rd, Buderim QLD 4556