Easter Mini Markets at Saint Ignatius College Geelong

Saint Ignatius College Geelong warmly welcomes market stall holders to our '2024 Easter Mini Markets.' The College hosts an annual Easter Egg Hunt, & the 'Mini Easter Markets' will compliment the fun for this day.Stall holders with current WWCC are invited to bring their own standard trestle size table (s) to our 'SICG Easter Egg Hunt' on Sunday the 24th of March, 2024 between 9.30-11.30am. (The hunt is at 10.30am).Entry for this event is via the Gillies Road gate, & stall holders must be set up & ready to trade by 9.30am. Stallholders must bring their own EFTPOS machine or any other payment devices required.
There will be no access to power.
In the event of inclement weather, stall holders will be notified 2 days prior to the event for the 'Plan B.'
Stall holders are able to bring (and pay) for as many trestle tables as required. The $10 table fee goes towards student resources.
For further information, and to email your WWCC to communityengagement@ignatius.vic.edu.au
Saint Ignatius College Geelong
27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale Victoria 3222