Awakening Australia 2024

In 2017 we started pursuing a vision God placed in our hearts for Australia, that the Church would once again be united to demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We were in awe as the Lord drew over 20,000 people a day to the Marvel stadium in Melbourne. This resulted in well over 1000 documented decisions made to follow Jesus in the stadium alone. Hundreds more were saved on the streets of Melbourne as multitudes of believers were reaching out for 7 days straight.
A momentum of Evangelism across Australia was sparked, and it was only increasing in 2019 as more people rose up in bold proclamation of what Jesus has done for them. Well, over the past 2 years God started speaking to us again and we are back and ready to see Jesus do something historic again, this time in Brisbane, QLD!
Let’s not sit back and hope for a move of God, let’s act and move with God, all across the nation. Pray with us, preach with us and then join us in September 2024 at the Brisbane Showgrounds!
Find more information on our website.
Brisbane Showgrounds
600 Gregory Terrace
4006 Brisbane