When: Saturday, 16 March 2024, 5:30pm - 8:00pm
RSVP: 10pm Tuesday, 12 March
Where: Waverley College, Brother JP Lacey Gymnasium and Braidwood
131 Birrell Street Waverley 2024
131 Birrell Street Waverley 2024
Cost: $15.00 per person (+ 0.50c per ticket TryBooking fee)
$50.00 for a family of 4 or more (+ 0.50c per ticket TryBooking fee)
This event is free for Yr 12 students, who are currently playing Basketball for the College, however for catering purposes, please RSVP
through Trybooking by selecting a free 'Yr 12 Ticket '.
Dinner fully catered:
- Salad
- Roast chicken
- Dessert
- Plus a bottle of water or soft drink
- Basketball awards (Senior School only, however Junior School players are still welcome to attend)
- Shooting games, raffles and prizes
Please note that this is an alcohol-free event.
For more information, or to advise of dietary requirements, please contact:
Contact: Mrs Juliette Carter (Club President)
Email: juliettecarter@yahoo.com