Rich Stowell - Session 1 Public Workshop

Since before the dawn of flight, Loss of Control In-Flight (LOCi) remains by far the biggest cause of fatal accidents in aviation.Strike Aviation Training is hosting Rich Stowell, who is one of the world’s leading experts on ”Spin Recovery” and “Emergency Manoeuvre Training”.
In fact, Rich has been called one of the architects of modern UPRT.
During this full day workshop, Rich will discuss common miss-conceptions about UPRT and the reasons why teaching Loss of Control Prevention (LOCiPT) from the very first lesson will enhance appropriate "Primacy" in the development of all pilots.
Stowell is a recognized subject matter expert in loss of control in light airplanes and has been a panellist at two events hosted by the NTSB in Washington, DC, and worked as an expert witness for the Department of Justice Aviation, Space, and Admiralty Litigation Section.
More information can be found about Rich at
Caboolture Aero Club - Clubhouse
157 McNaught Rd, Caboolture QLD 4510