2024 Felix Arnott Lecture

The 2024 Felix Arnott Lecture will be held on Friday 10 May at 7pm.Our speaker will be the Rev'd Dr Joan Riley, who will speak on the subject of 'Scripture and Silence in a Context of Domestic and Family Violence.'
We will serve light refreshments in Old Bishopsbourne from 6 pm.
The Rev’d Canon Dr Joan Riley is the Principal of another college of the University of Divinity, St Barnabas College in the Diocese of Adelaide. An experienced parish priest, Joan blends her work in the church and desire to follow Christ’s mission and calling with her academic learning. A New Testament scholar with a classics background, her research areas include the Letter to the Colossians, Greek inscriptions in Asia Minor, Greek and Roman religion, women in Asia Minor, and the cultural engagement between pagans, Jews and Christians.
St Francis College
233 Milton Rd, Milton Queensland 4064