Teaching FMS - Free Workshop for Kindy and PP Teachers (SOLD OUT)
Join our FMS experts for a practical, in person workshop on teaching FMS to Kindy and Pre-Primary students.This face to face session is ideal for:
Early years Kindergarten & Pre-Primary teachers
Education Assistants
Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Kindy Room Educators and Room Leaders
Anyone teaching Fundamental Movement Skills to early years children
During this face-to-face session we will:
- Show you how to plan, deliver and assess an FMS program that is fit for purpose, engaging and fun for early years students (and teachers!).
- guide you through activities and all the necessary information to ensure your young students learn and develop the foundational skills needed to progress their physical literacy journey.
Whether you are new to early years, new to teaching FMS or just keen to refresh or upskill, this session will be provide something for everyone.
Have questions? Contact the KIDDO team
Robin Gray Lecture Theatre, School of Sport Science, Exercise Health
The University of Western Australia, School of Human Sciences
Parkway Entrance 3, Crawley WA 6009