Tempo Queer Week 3: Rebecca Lloyd-Jones - Thought Sectors
Sarah Hennies Thought Sectors (2020) explores the intersection of percussion, psychoacoustics, and themes of queer and trans identity. A work that rewards persistence, it presents seemingly simplistic musical motifs that gradually unfurl into intricate sonic layers and phenomena. Inspired by psychologist Ernest Hilgard’s term ‘divided consciousness,’ the work explores how the human brain can be divided into distinct components rather than a single unified consciousness, propelling the soloist to the edge of virtuosity while simultaneously occupying the banal, taking the listener on a journey that blends conventional percussion instruments: the vibraphone, the bass drum - with found, obscure objects: a flour a sifter, a stapler, a water jug, pebbles. Thought Sectors pushes the extremes of audibility, timbre, and form, interrogating the connection between physical space, reverberation, extreme dynamics, and the listener’s relationship of listening and time.
TICKETS $30 | $22
TICKETS $30 | $22
Tempo Rubato
34 Breese St, Brunswick VIC 3056
Contact Details