"Bungul" with Yolngu songkeepers the Wilfreds + Peter Knight

Daniel and David Wilfred are celebrated traditional songkeepers, Yolngu manikay, from the remote community of Ngukurr in the Northern Territory. Theirs is the oldest continuously practised music tradition in the world. They'll be joined by collaborator, renowned musician and composer Peter Knight.Composer/trumpeter, Peter Knight, formed "Hand to Earth" with the Wilfred brother during an Australian Art Orchestra residency in 2019. Since then they have presented their distinctive synthesis of the ancient and the contemporary at major festivals and venues all over the world. They have also released two albums earning plaudits and nominations including an ARIA in 2022. David and Daniel will talk about culture, country, and songlines, and will perform traditional manikay for what is almost certainly the first time in the Kelvin Club.
Cost is $25 for the show. Drinks and food available.
Bookings a must
Kelvin Club
14-30 Melbourne Place, Melb Vic 3000