Fundamentals Webinar: Making Use of Water Quality Data

This non accredited training course is intended to help staff appreciate the value of using water quality data collected as part of operational roles, making use of tools like Excel spreadsheets and swimlocal to record data, see data trends, identify emerging issues, make informed decisions on corrective actions and comply with the organisation’s Drinking Water Quality Management Plan (DWQMP).Data is needed to verify treatment processes are working as required to confirm safe quality water is provided to communities. However, teams should not only focus on checking data against numerical targets or guideline values. Systematic reviews and analysis of water quality data helps identify emerging problems and trends and assists in determining priorities for improving drinking water quality.
This webinar is part of the qldwater Urban Water Micro Credential Program 2023 Project and acts as an introduction to the MC courses which will be delivered between June and September 2024.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser