WAAPA Acting Workshop: Voice, Movement and Text in Busselton

Ever wanted to experience how an actor trains? This workshop provides practical exploration of the techniques of acting including the connection between the actor’s voice, body and the performance of text in theatre.After a thorough vocal and physical warm-up introducing the foundations of connecting the actor to their instrument, the workshop will explore the actor’s craft. Using improvisation and text based prompts the participants will explore how ideas are expressed, communicated and embodied in a performance setting. Participants will get lots of acting practice as they explore how important the actor’s body, voice and imagination are to a clear and expressive performance. This workshop is suitable for people 15 years and older who have an interest in acting. Proudly supported by the City of Busselton.
Churchill Park Hall
City of Busselton, 85 Adelaide St, , Busselton WA 6280