Op Shop Tour of Geelong

After a hugely successful tour of Ballarat Op Shops in 2023, we welcome you to join us on our next Op Shop Tour adventure! This will be a full day of travel, visiting 6 stores across Gellong and lunch at the fabulous "No.42" in Rippelside.Date: Wednesday 23rd May
Times: arrive at 8.45am for 9am departure (sharp!), aiming to return to Camperdown between 7/7.30pm
Departing from: Bath street Camperdown (near Theatre Royal, ample parking)
Cost: $30 per person / $25 concession (for the bus, not including lunch and refreshments)
You will need to bring cash for your purchases and lunch.
We will lunch at "No.42" in Rippelside Park. Lunch costs range from $12-$24. All meal orders MUST BE CONFIRMED with us no later than 12pm Tuesday 21st May by calling 55931403; a menu will be available upon booking.
Departing from outside Theatre Royal
2 Bath street, Camperdown Victoria 3260