2024 Estate and Succession Law Conference (SOLD OUT)

Format: in-person (Wrest Point Hotel)
Recorded: Yes, subject to presenters' consent
9.30am - Registrations open
Session 1 - Dementia Dynamics: Unravelling and Understanding the Person, the Brain and the Diseases. Dr Jane Lonie, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist (NSW)
Morning Tea
Session 2 - Unwinding the Estate Plan: Wrapping up Complex Administration and Avoiding Potential Pitfalls. Greg Russo, Principal Solicitor, Greg Russo Law (VIC)
Session 3 - The Use of Social Media in Practice. Craig Green, Counsel, Dobson Mitchell Allport (TAS)
Session 4 - Year Ahead, Year in Review and Case Law Update. Alison Wiss, Senior Lawyer, McMullen Lawyers; Victor David Murray,Barrister, Derwent & Tamar Chambers (TAS)
Session 5 - Discretionary No More? The Future of Discretionary Family Trusts Post-Owie. Andrew Verspaandonk, Barrister, Douglas Menzies Chambers (VIC)
Afternoon Tea
Session 6 - Navigating Conflicts and Duties Throughout a Client's Life and Death and Ethics and Best Practice in Modern Estate Planning. Jen McMillan, Manager, Practice Support Services, LawCover (NSW)
5.00pm - Closing Remarks
5.00 - 6.00pm - Networking + Nibbles
If you are travelling from outside Hobart, please take the opportunity to stay on to Saturday for this highly informative workshop.
Will Drafting from a Litigator's Perspective: A Workshop - Saturday 10 August 9.30-1pm Wrest Point Hotel
CPD: 3 points (PM, PS)
Format: in-person only (Wrest Point Hotel)
Recorded: No
Join Craig Birtles, Barrister, Wentworth Chambers with Kimberley Martin, Director, WWM Law, for this 3-hour workshop where they will delve into will drafting including an update on Tasmanian provisions, and the use of plain English precedents. The purpose of this workshop is to look at frameworks for the taking of instructions and drafting of a will – from the simple to the circumstances where complexity is warranted – to identify the issues that can arise, and how they should be addressed ideally without falling down too many rabbit holes.
CPD Points: Any CPD points listed are provided as a guide and registrants should satisfy themselves about the nature and quantity of CPD points they can claim for the activity. Please refer to Practice Guideline no.4 HERE for details.
Refund/Cancellation: By registering for this event you (as a member or non-member) agree to the terms and conditions under the Society's Refund/Cancellation Policy and Terms and Conditions of Registration.
Non-Member Registrations: Conditions apply at the discretion of the Society. The Society will be in touch if you are not eligible to register and a refund will be issued.
Important Copyright Notice: Papers and materials supplied in association with any Society event, activity and recording are subject to copyright and are provided for the registrant’s use only. They may not be shared, copied, reproduced, adapted, transmitted, or otherwise distributed, nor may they be modified or reposted to other sites in any manner.
in-person (only) at Wrest Point Hotel.
410 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay Tas 7005
Contact Details