QLD: Making the Most of Media - Online Training
Queensland Sisters!
Are you running for a seat in an upcoming election? Do you want to learn more about how to maximise your media during your campaign?
Join us for our online training session, ‘Making the Most of the Media’ on Saturday 18 May 2- 4.30pm.
Please note, you MUST be an EMILY’s List AND ALP member to attend. We will be checking if you are an EMILY's List and ALP member.
Purposes of the training session is for candidates to leave with:
1. An understanding of the different types of media and how to deal with them
2. Guidelines for building a relationship with your local media
3. Tips & tricks for maximising your media opportunities
4. First hand experience with Telling your own story or Q&A responses
Ticket Cost: Free for EMILY’s List Members.
Not a member? Sign up here.
Enquiries to Anne @ annekennedysc@gmail.com or 0457 162 142
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