Historic Vehicle Tour - Farms, Bushrangers and Racing
Do you own a Historic Vehicle and need to take it for a drive?Head to Benalla on Friday 24 May and join the fun of the Historic Vehicle Tour.
This years tour will be a similar style to last year with a few extras along the way. Ticket prices will include morning and afternoon tea and attraction entry fees. We will be in Glenrowan for lunch, there is a variety of places to eat or bring a picnic.
A great way to see all that the Benalla region has to offer.
Ticket prices are per person and not per vehicle. Each person attending will need to pay for a ticket.
Space is limited and bookings are essential! Ticket sales cease at 4pm, Tuesday 21 May 2024.
Check in at Benalla Gliding Club at 8.00 am and depart at 8.30am. Prior to departure award winning vehicle trophies will be presented by the Austin 7 Club.
This event is proudly sponsored by Benalla Rural City Council and Shannon's.
Benalla Gliding Club
35 Samaria Road, Benalla Victoria 3672