Socrates, speaking at his trial in 399 BC, implored the jurors and the people of Athens to value wisdom and truth more than money, reputation and honour, and declared that the unexamined life is not worth living. Plato was present at this trial and the words he heard, spoken by his master Socrates, set the course of his life and of his philosophy. Through Plato, the power of Socrates’ words resonates to this very day.
During this week of study and discussion, we shall connect with the power of Socrates’ words, enabling them to be effective in our own lives and inner philosophic endeavours. The programme will incorporate study of Plato’s Dialogues and relevant texts, with plenary meetings to set the scene and allow full discussion and questions.
Enrolment is not dependent on prior study of Plato.
The event is 'non-residential' and lunch and dinner are catered. Accommodation can be made available by arrangement.
School of Philosophy
45 Riversdale Road
Hawthorn Vic 3122
Marita Brewster, 0411 148 291, plato@schoolofphilosophy.org.au