Catchments, Corridors and Coasts (CCC) 2024 - One Day Event

The WA Chapter of AAEE is excited to present CCC for 2024!This one-day event encourages participants and local practitioners to engage in systems thinking in a way that showcases that Education for Sustainability (EfS) can occur anywhere - from the upper catchment, throughout the corridor and to the coast.
As an event for teachers, environmental educators and sustainability champions, CCC will connect participants with a range of EfS practitioners to generate two-way dialogue and productive networks.
Attendees will have the opportunity to attend all ‘CCC’ sessions and choose between three afternoon activities while engaging with each of our EfS program providers and what they have to offer, both for educators and the broader community alike.
You will get:
Morning tea and all-day tea and coffee refreshments
Networking with program providers, CCC participants and AAEEWA
Take-home resource featuring the showcased programs and contact details of EfS providers.
Kings Park Education - Green Room
Kattidj Close, Kings Park WA 6005